Nancy Chavez
Nancy Chavez
My baby has the hands foot and mouth virus 😢. The doctor can't prescribe anything . I'm giving her extra love but now she is having a hard time eating . What can I do to help her ?? If u have any advice I will really appreciated it.

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@ta chel8792, thank u so much for all ur advice . I hope ur boy gets better soon .
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Oh yeah, shes small. Yeah, its ok, I gave my son orajel at 3 months when he started teething, but if you arent comfortable with it, try the cold foods. It sucks how contagious it is, and its pretty bad for 7-10 days :( This past week we have watched the symptoms progress. It started with a random fever, the next day blisters and sores in the mouth, and the last couple days it looked like pimples on his feet, and mouth, and now today those pimples turned into big blisters. Ive been rubbing calomine lotion everywhere so it doesnt seem to bother him thank goodness. Hope your baby gets better soon, its not easy seeing them go through this.
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@rathel8792, I'm so sorry to hear ur baby has it . The doc did not want to give her anything . Maybe baca use she is only 6 months . U think orajel would be safe for a 6 month old baby ?
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
You can also give her either cold foods if shes eating already, and cold milk. The coldness kinda numbs their mouth, and makes it easier to eat. My doc gave my son permission to eat all the icecream he wants haha
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Im going through this right now, my brother gave it to my son. Call your doctor and ask for lidocaine, its a numbing medicine, you rub it in their mouth 30 min before they eat, so they can at least eat something. If you dont have that available right away, you can put orajel with a q tip all over the babys mouth
Also, put calomine lotion on any blisters on the babys body so they dont itch
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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