So my mom wants me to travel to sandiego and my baby is about to be one month on wednesday... Its only my baby & I that are traveling. We live in NV which is 8-9 hrs away.. Should i travel by car (i'll be driving obviously) by bus or plane (but i really don't know the deal with the plane) .. Or no traveling at all? Recommendations??

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Thank you girls for the advice! But i don't think i'll be traveling i think grandma can wait lol but im happy to know the info you girls gave me😌 ,cause we know if the baby daddy isn't 100% ok with us traveling alone its not good lol @mommarodey @rachel8792 @savvylynn1
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
but if you do fly, call and make sure you don't need a ticket for your baby but I'm 100% sure you won't. but if you decide to take the car seat you can use it as luggage or just keep your baby in it on the plane. normally there are a couple seats open on a plane so even if you don't buy a ticket for him/her (I haven't seen your profile lol) you can always ask someone to switch you seats if the seat next to them is open or a flight attendant will do it. 😌 I know how it normally works because I've flown so so so many times.
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
you won't need a ticket for your baby, only yourself in most airlines because your baby is small enough for your lap and doesn't need their own seat. but I'd fly because it would be much quicker. I'm gonna be taking my baby on a plane at a couple months old to Ohio which is a 5 hour flight from az. I'm sure the baby will be fine
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
My baby sleeps all day luckily lol & yes i would be making stops.. Unfortunately my mom can't travel 😏 i'll be thinking about taking this trip or not because yes its going to be a hassle😏
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah i just checked out the plane tickets there not that expensive & it takes 3-4hrs, but idk if im suppose to buy a ticket for my baby also or if im going to need an id for her. @mommarodey
25.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Can your mom travel to you? I mean afterall im sure its to see your baby, and to make you travel that far, is alot. Not only will you have to get there, but going back will be the same dilemma
24.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
With a one month old, its hard to say. I didnt like exposing my son too much, and bus or plane would be a closed room with people who could be sick, and get the baby sick. If you go by car, on that long of a drive, I would during your babys sleeping time. If your baby sleeps alot during the night then maybe leave in the middle of the night to get there in the morning, because if you go during the day, and the baby is awake, chances are you will be making lots of stops because im sure the baby wont be comfortable in the seat that long.
24.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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