I was to be at the hospital to be induced at 5pm on Tuesday. When I got there baby was monitored for an hour and half as she kept moving so I had stay in bed till all checks was normal. At 6.40pm they finally put the pessary in and everything was normal till about 8pm when I was getting period cramps.
By 9pm my contractions were literally 1-2 minutes apart. They was so frequent and painful that I got moved that I got moved to the delivery suite at 10pm and I was only 3cm dilated. I got given gas and air for the pain that did help a little. Midwife broke my waters at 10.50pm and soon after I was pushing. At 11.13pm Mia-Rose was born. It was a very intense labour but it all happened so quick! I'm so in love with my princess. She's perfect ❤