Hannah Clark
Question for moms who have/will have a summer baby: did/will you put your newborn in the long-sleeved sleepers? We've received several but I'm hesitant to put her in them once she gets here because I'm afraid she'll get too warm. It averages 100° here daily and it's only going to get warmer. I'm a little more comfortable with the thought of putting her in the cotton ones she's received rather than the flannel or terrycloth like ones, but I'm still iffy.
7.8 лет

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we did, but only when she sleep and we kept it cold at night.

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we did, but only when she sleep and we kept it cold at night.

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I would stick to very thin sleepers then or a thin long sleeve onesie if going to use a blanket. Our house tends to get cooler at night because temp drops plus we sleep with fan on. Sometimes I use thin sleepers during the day since it's pretty cool in the house but she gets overheated if I put her to bed in one. she's in this one right now and still feels really cool when I unzip to feel her legs. This one is very thin I recommend them!

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@maddiesmommy022916 yeah, all the sleepers we've gotten are pretty thick and I'm afraid she's going to overheat. The house stays pretty cool during the day but tends to get super warm at night for some reason.

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it's been in the 90s here. I put her in short sleeve onesies during the day then at night I put her in a thin long sleeve onesie and cover her up with a thin blanket (she refuses to sleep without a blanket) she gets to hot in sleepers. I always feel her to make sure she isn't to hot before I go to bed but she always feels pretty cool.

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