Get to go shopping for my little man today! He turns 1 on Tuesdsy and his party is on Saturday. I cant believe how much hes grown and that he isnt going to be the baby anymore. As much as im excited for this new baby my heart is breakingba little that my baby isnt going to be the baby anymore and hes officially going to be 1 year old. Picture of him in his new "big boy" car seat. Also for those curious this car seat is amazing! Its on sale at babies r us right now for $119. It rear and front faces and is for 5 to 65lbs
it sounds nice and looks cool ! how much does your son weigh ? I'm thinking we will have to transition him to the next seat early bc he's off the charts already for growth. (daddy is 6'6" so we knew he would be big)
I have that car seat, and I loved it too until my child threw up in it and I realized that you can't take all the pieces off to wash... Gross. Anything for a baby should be washable. I was pretty irritated.
@mamabearluken, its the evenflo platinum triumph lx and i love it so much! lots of safety features, easy to install, super easy to adjust. I think my favorite feature is that the shoulder straps never have to be adjusted, the slide up and down to fit baby and tighten down when you tighten the whole harness system.
what brand and what is this one called ? my baby is only 5 weeks old so I have time but I'm already researching good convertible car seats for when were ready !