A little TMI !!

Has any one had to deal with internal hemorrhoids? I'm pretty sure that's what's going on cause I'm getting random pains there and I've bled just a little bit about 2 times! I think its getting worse cause now it even hurts to pass gas 😑How did your doctor go about treating them?? I'm really hoping they don't turn external my sex life would go out the window 😣😣😣😂 and I just can't have that.
7.8 лет

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@camsmommy16, I'm really hoping their small and not just getting worse 😞 but thank you! I will get some of those wipes!

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@camsmommy16, I'm really hoping their small and not just getting worse 😞 but thank you! I will get some of those wipes!

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I would do it to help with the pain! Ugh I can only imagine it too, the pain of mine have subsided.. I think if yours are tiny there will be a possibility of it going away :) mine are pretty big.. But eh my husband doesn't care lol and if they don't hurt me I don't care either hehe. They're scary though! I feel like they'll pop one day :/

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@camsmommy16, awww no I wish they would go away! lol I just started fiber gummies and I'm starting colace every day. My nurse sent a script in for some suppositories for them but I didn't know if it would help them go away or something. Do you think I should get witch hazel wipes and use them anyways??

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I have two external and they don't go away. If yours are internal, elective surgery is the only option. They are treatable though, you can use wipes with witch hazel and the prep H cream, the tube comes with this extension that you'll have to insert in to distribute the cream if it doesn't go away in like a week or the bleeding persists you'll have to see your dr to see what they can do further. Oh also fiber gummies or stool softener can be taken to help.

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