All these baby's arriving are making me all excited to meet my little man 4 days over due and my little monkey still won't budge!!
Come on baby boy! 😬😬
I had a sweep on Tuesday but it wasn't a proper one. she said she softened my cervix but couldn't sweep the membranes. I can see myself being induced next Monday 😪 @firsttimemummy21 @zoeelaw xx
Aww no 🙁 She tried to do mine the best she could. She said I had a short cervix with it being my first and being young. So going to try again Monday but I would love him here before then @firsttimemummy21 xxx
I've got my next sweep on Monday which I hope works! Then being induced next Friday if it doesn't work. I just want him here now! @kirsty1989 @firsttimemummy21 they are little sods keeping us waiting! Xxx