Mistydawn Gonzalez
Mistydawn Gonzalez
My mom had my son for today , she took him took to the park but he has little mosquito bites on him :( is there anything I can put on him? Also, she mentioned he hasn't pooped and has been very constipated I think it's making him grouchy.. What can I do :( help please

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@mistydawnjg, you can put baby vicks vap o rub it helps the bites go away faster
13.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
If you think he's constipated push his knees toward his chest or try moving his legs like he's riding a bicycle. I would always worry if my baby went a day without pooping and his ped. assured me it's totally normal, especially when they go through any sort of growth spurt. But I've also heard warm water can help with constipation so even just giving him a bath may help.
13.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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