Just a curious post. Please no drama. Anyone on here thinking about or has already decided not to vaccinate their child? I know majority of people are pro vaccination so I wanted to hear from anyone that was against it and why?
7.9 лет

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@machelle137, yeah I feel like a lot of the stuff in those shots are to make them sick so then you will need to buy medication and keep putting money in the pharmaceutical pocket. I feel like so many people do the vaccines just because the doctor says so and I kind of look at it like a salesperson on every time they give those shots that's money in their pocket. They are just doing what they're trained to do like any other profession. I trust doctors don't get me wrong but only to an extent. You gotta do the research and not just trust anything anyone says.

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@machelle137, yeah I feel like a lot of the stuff in those shots are to make them sick so then you will need to buy medication and keep putting money in the pharmaceutical pocket. I feel like so many people do the vaccines just because the doctor says so and I kind of look at it like a salesperson on every time they give those shots that's money in their pocket. They are just doing what they're trained to do like any other profession. I trust doctors don't get me wrong but only to an extent. You gotta do the research and not just trust anything anyone says.

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my daughter got shingles when she was 10 from the chicken pox shot. she has had 4 outbreaks since and is now 15

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@p0790, yeah it's crazy I've been doing a lot of research on all the different types and what exactly they're doing.

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@giananiicole, I agree we have a lot of the same thoughts!!

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@machelle137, the article was a good read!! Thank you for your response! 👍🏻😊

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We won't be getting our son vaccinated. A lot of the shots, especially the vitamin k shot has so much Mercury, like more than an adult would need. And all that mercury has been connected with autism. If later you found out your child was getting sick a lot or something you can always take them to get vaccinated. There is also a lot of chemicals in a lot of the shots that seem really weird to me to be putting in a tiny little babies bodies. And I've noticed if you ask the doctor hey what's in this shot, they can't tell you everything that's in it, they are just trained and told to give the shots without any real knowledge of what exactly is in them. I don't believe the pharmaceutical companies are trustworthy enough to just accept putting these shots in our babies without really researching what's in them and why.

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its been a tough decision for me, i used to be all pro vaccionation till i met my FIL friends they had a lil girl about 2, she goy vaccinated and got a really bad fever they took her to the hospital and after a few days the lil girl passed away and this just happened recently so its not one of those made up stories, what ive been doing is do some research every time my babys about to get vaccinations shes almost 2 months

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i wont even do the vit k shot or the eye ointment.
i am however getting vit k drops to give my little guy which contain no artificial anything. the eye ointment is given "just in case" you have gonorrhea or syphilis, so if you dont think you could have that why give your baby something foreign.

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i will not vaccinate. read this and you will understand why...

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