I am a first time mom..I'm soo happy..I am 16 weeks..but I hate having to wait so long for an ultrasound.. its nerve wrecking because I want to know the baby's doing..anyone else felt that or still does?
it's really hard for me bc with my first I had an ultrasound like once a week bc she had some things wrong so with this one she's been healthy that I don't see her as often so it's different and it's bittersweet. I wish they'd do a third trimester ultrasound
oh no!! that's way too long!! wow..how far r u now?
12.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I hated it I had a ultrasound at 6 weeks and then didn't get one until 19 weeks it was the longest time! But in the end he is healthy as can be! I don't get another I have to wait until he is born! Sucks!