This morning I had some blood work done for my upcoming knee surgery on Monday. The we came home! I went to move my couch and then when I put it back and my baby kitten got under there and it broke her arm between her shoulder and elbow! So my husband takes her to the Vet to only get the choices of putting her down or us to pay $200+ for X-rays and treatment! As I'm sitting here bawling my eyes out because I basically killed my kitten my doctor calls to tell me that my surgery has been cancelled due to my blood work! ( this is a voicemail) so I frantically call them back to figure out what is wrong still crying because of my kitten and I heard the words I have been waiting to hear for a while now "You Are Pregnant!"
Oh noo! @dellagrice Well I went on vacation in Colorado and was skiing and fell and torn my ACL completely and had a slight tear in the MCL and Monday's surgery was to reconstruct the ACL!