Yeah me too! I don't wanna eat or ingest anything especially no oil. Lol 3 miles something is bound to start! I'd probably die doing that everyday 😅 @quanishaerica
You definitely were! I've tried to prepare myself for the pain, but I know that's impossible. I hear it's a pain that you can't really put to words or have ever felt before. So yeah, trying to prepare my mind for it lol. @emiliasmommy15
I'm walking and getting on my exercise ball just about every day lol. I'm going to push for a good 3 miles today lol. I've heard of people trying castor oil, I'm too scared to try anything like that. @mommygreene
@quanishaerica, it was amazing I was actually blessed to have the birth that I had the whole labor process from start to finish was five hours long and I only pushed for 10 minutes and she is my first child .. so the whole birth was absolutely amazing, it was painful but worth every min of it😊
Girl! That's like Sunday..Just start walking, I'm not interested in those crazy methods and oils people use to induce their labor at home but I am gonna walk like I'm walking to China 😂 @quanishaerica
What day did they give you? I don't want to be induced either I feel like it's forcing her out and it's even more painful then just waiting @quanishaerica
Whew, I'm willing to go to 42 weeks just so I won't have to be induced. They've scheduled me to be induced June 12th, exactly 41 weeks. I'm trying everything to get him to come before then. @emiliasmommy15