I already have a little one who is 2. Was induced with him due to pre-E and was in the hospital for almost 2 day before my water broke and after that my body decided to stop at 9 1/2 centimeters and i was unable to have him naturally see as how it was getting close to my water being broken for 24 hours and doctors didnt want to risk an infection, so i had to have an emergency C-section.

Now im pregnant with baby #2 which is a boy as well. And im 38 weeks and I really want to do vbac but it doesnt look like ill be able to. I have about a week for this to happened or i will be have another c-section because my doctor doesnt want me to go passed 39 weeks due to me being high risk and because of having a previous c-section. Im just really terrified to have another c-section and just wish my body would due what it is supposed to do. 😢

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@makenziesmom, ive been having alot of pelvic pain since 32 weeks because my little monster has been head down since 28 weeks and ready, but my body is being an assh*le
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@makenziesmom right?!?😆😆 but if it will help id try it. but im currently in too much pain to have sex or to please myself, so my hubby is being neglected in that category lol
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
lol I can't do that I feel like I am molesting myself 😂😂😂😂
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@makenziesmom the pleasing yourself option. from what my doctor told me when you orgasm it helps release natural pitocin which will help induce labor. i know weird, i looked at her crazy when she said it. lol
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jaxmomma, I have the yoga ball lol. and I've been bouncing and doing squats and all!! hopefully come Thursday I'm doing a little razzed dazzle so they can break my water for me!!!
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@someone006, I don't have semen to help lol
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@makenziesmom, I was 40 weeks 1 day and barely 2 cm. i was only admitted with pitocin because my heart rate was too high. They gave me this thing called the peanut ball, like a yoga ball and put my on my side with it between my legs for 30 mins and I went from 4 to 10 in 30 mins lol so if all else fails, try that!
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@makenziesmom oh well i guess try the second option lol.
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
sex no because I am single lol and in order for it to really work you have to have unprotected sex because it's the semen that help soften the cervix. so either way I'd need a significant other lol.
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommy2b2addysen thank you and i will pray for you to have a vaginal birth as well.
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@makenziesmom have you had sex or tried pleasing yourself lmao. that what my doctor suggested my last appointment 😆
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I won't find out until Monday what I am but last feel appointments wasn't Much progress but I will keep you in my prayers for a successful vaginally birth @someone006
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't want meds. I planned this to be completely natural so it will hurt my feelings because I've been planning for it. but I've been walking and doing squats and lunges and pushing so that she will come down into position. hopefully it works
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommy2b2addysen, i am only dilated to 1 and 20-30% thinned.
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@makenziesmom ill will keep my fingers crossed for you. cesareans aren't that bad it's just I've never had a major surgery until then it's just an uncomfortable feeling of them tugging on you and it feels like forever for them to be done. and it take alittle longer to heal from it compared to a natural birth.
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm in the same boat I get induce on Thursday I so don't want a c section too but I'm not dilating :( yet
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm pregnant with baby number 1 and I'm 39 weeks and not even dilating. I have to be officially one week over due for them to induce me!! I'm hoping come Thursday I'm at least 1 cm so they can break my water for me!! I don't want a c section either
05.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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