it sucks going back but I've been working two jobs since he was 6 weeks so its just something I'm used to now....kinda crazy but I'm doing and his father are not on hold terms so I'm just doing ways best for me and my son..... @nurseriri
I saw your son and was he's too cute for himself. Ethan teething experiencing was calm as ever. Two more is coming through and he was a tad bit fussy. Girl I'm obsessed with Burberry baby. Definitely check it out. See that you're busy. I return to work tonight. 😥😥
tell me about it...... his birthday is the 26th but my goosh he is growing so fast.....I bought him teethers yesterday he is tearing them up......all he does is bite his hands his arms towels so I figured he could b starting the teethunf process...... @nurseriri and Ethan is just adorable and then some he god big fast too.....I definitely need to go check out Burberry baby his outfits r the cutest