I'm good now. they ended up putting a balloon in my cervix and giving me medicine to thin me out and dilate me because I'm not progressing me on my own. sounds kind of like what's going on with you but everywhere is different. they won't start the pitocin for me until tomorrow I'm guessing. I was having contractions but they gave me morphine so I'm doing great now lol @cloud325
I'm honestly not 100 % sure.. At my appointment last week I wasn't ripening or dialted so I'm not sure how its going to go! but I will let you know tomorrow!! How are you doing?
@threeplusone2016, it really is. I also was in labor for 27 hours with my first! And my epidural made it so I had no feeling. I couldn't move or feel anything. My 2nd was MUCH smoother and my epidural was perfect!!!
@germanayy, wait till you have a contraction with that thing in and a catheter..omg... I begged them to take the catheter out. and they did. I didn't cry from pain until that. ughh