@momtonoasophia, @littlemissrainesmommy Thank you ladies. I want to switch cuz it would be more convenient. I just want to make sure it's the best desicion. Do midwives do sonograms? I'm not worried about one right now, but I just found out I have a low lying placenta and would want to make sure that moves towards the end of pregnancy.
I did and I LOVED it... I switched from an ob to a midwife at 32 weeks and it was the best decision I ever made. my midwife actually cared about me and baby girl whereas my ob could care less.. if I had any questions my midwife took the time to answer a
everything and my ob just kind of made me feel stupid for asking questions.. I'm not saying every ob sucks but mine did. and if I would have still had my ob when I had to be induced then I would have ended up having to have an "emergency" csec and definitely would have ended up tearing
@lilmommy93, Awesome. I'm thinking about switching from an ob office that is an hr from me to a midwife that is 5min from me. Lol. I just have so many questions. Lol.
I loved my midwives.I switched from a regular male OB cause he didn't support my decision as a 1st time mom of going natural whereas the midwife supported everything I wanted to do