Really bad STRECH marks on my stomach, thighs, hips, and under my bum is it normal to have bumps in them that itch like crazy? The bumps started on my stomach and started spreading it kinda looks like a rash. I need help please!!!!!!!!
@mccokel14, you can always go. but I would just reccomend getting a small thing of regular cortisone cream and putting that on there for the itching to hold over. if it gets too bad, then yeah go on in. it won't hurt anything.
what if it gets so bad to were I can't see my ob till Monday to get some cream for it cause it's really bad sometimes I make it bleed cause I itch it can I go into the e.r @mccokel14
@mrs.vargas, it was literally the only thing that gave me a little relief. didn't last all day but it lasted longer then anything else did. I hope you ladies can survive it. I used to scratch till I almost passed out it was so bad. I'd never wish this on anyone
if nothing helps you might talk to your doctor. if it's too severe they need to prescribe you something. they prescribed me a high medicated cortisone cream. sometimes it can be dangerous. I'm sensitive to certain things so I had no choice but get something for mine...
@mrs.vargas, ouch I would listen to these ladies I would bring the concern to your ob first confirm they are only stretch marks if they are you can buy the creme if not I'm sure there will be something they can give you for that
I'm pretty sure it's puppps! I had it with my first and it's the worst thing I've ever experienced. I would highly advise you go buy pine tar soap it's the only thing that helped me. go to a health food store that sells vitamins.
I'm telling u right now I thought mine were stretch marks but my doctor confirmed last week it's puppps.... very very very itchy, looks like a rash blended in stretch marks, bright red, and welped.... its the worse ever..
@mrs.vargas, ouch stop scratching lol.. that looks like it hurts..and yes it does the moisture from the creme help relieve your itching here's the site