Just found out my sis in law is pregnant too, her due date is 10 days before mine and I am being so selfish about it. I am super excited for her, I know they have been trying for a while and have had some complications so I really am truly happy for them but darn it this is my first pregnancy and I wanted to be the only one lol.

Oh well, it'll be good for my kid to have a cousin so close in age to grow up with. We live close to each other too. So there are positives. I'm just being obnoxiously selfish. Is this completely wrong of me?

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@babydiehl2016, haha right! We did a baby shower for my other SIL back in October and it is her third and it was really small and all. But she didn't need a whole lot either. She can have a big baby shower and all that my feelings won't get hurt it was just that initial "aw man" moment lol they don't even know we are pregnant yet we are waiting for our first ultra sound in three weeks. So this way we won't steal their thunder either because I know they are super excited.
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babydiehl2016, I get its more friends and cousins for my kid and I am happy about that and I really am truly happy for them. I don't think I would be as ridiculously selfish (and believe me I do know it's ridiculous) if she was do a few months before or after. But a week and a half I'm just bummed out. It is her third child and my first. Again I really am happy for her and my BIL just having a moment of selfishness. I would absolutely never ever let her know this feeling!
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have three of my cousins ans a best friend due within the same week I am, I was slightly jealous cause its my first child also and I have three cousins to share the spot light with cause my best friend lives in another state. it's not wrong.
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
no it's not wrong, I went through the sane thing Joseph's SIL is pregnant due a month before me.. this is our first and her third:/ I was super selfish but we ended up doing things separately
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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