Ok so I would really want to know your opinions on getting the epidural during labor. Even though I still have a way to go I would really like to know my facts on it, and opinions other ladies have.

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I mean if it's just back pain that it leaves TBH I am so used to it because I grew up with horrible pain on my back already lol @hopingforblue2k16
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I got the epidural with my daughter I regret it so much. felt no pain but my back hurts still. @valeria01
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@valeria01, Yeah I would definitely do some more research on it just to make you feel more comfortable but I personally didn't have any issues and I don't know anyone who did. Other than my current back pain, everything was fine. I was up walking around 2 hours after I delivered like normal. :)
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I loved the epidural I was in labor for 28 hours and the epidural helped with pain and let me rest for awhile! My legs where a little numb after I gave birth for the first night nothing major though I could still walk and I have no back pain...I tried to not give in but the pain was too much for so many hours I gave in...this time since it'll be my second birth I don't want a epidural just cause I don't want to end up with back pain
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I completely agree. Like I always planned on getting it, but then once I saw everyone was saying all these scary things about it I took a second thought. But TBH if I feel I can't handle it I'm getting it. Because I just want to enjoy my first baby labor and I wanna do what makes me feel comfortable @jaycee17
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I got the epidural with both of my kids and I loved it. Just like @autumnrae said, getting the epidural allowed me to enjoy both of my labors and delivery. I will admit now that after my second epidural, I've had more back pain but I'm assuming that's just because it's the second time. Other than that, I had no serious side affects. I got the epidural both times at 7cm. Just trust your body. If you feel like you can handle it without, that's amazing. Otherwise, I don't see why people are so against it and putting themselves in unnecessary pain when there's plenty of things to help. But that's just my opinion.
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Wow I never knew these things. It's my first pregnancy so bare with me lol. I guess based on this I will go as far as I can to not get it, but if I truly can't handle it I will get it.
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I want to go as far as I can without one. I will try other pain meds before I do the epidural, I've heard you are not able to breastfeed after having the epidural (right away). I've heard of one called the walking epidural that is half the strength of a regular one. So I plan on asking the doctor when I go next week, if she doesn't come before then :)
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I lovvvvvvved mine!!!! I went from so cranky and in so much pain to actually enjoying the rest of my labor! I accidentally waited until I was a 9 because I was sitting in a bathtub and went from a 4 to a 9 in 45 minutes! My suggestion is to wait as long as possible so that you can be up and around most of the labor but to get one for sure! I had them numb me to the point I could feel pressure and a little pain which worked out well because I could get up on my own an hour and a half after delivery but it allowed me to enjoy the delivery and the moments that came right after!
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Being paralyzed by an epidural is so rare, you have a higher possibility of dying in a car crash. Please research epidural from a trusted and scholarly website so you get the correct information.
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
The negatives about an epidural is possibly still being numb after giving birth and not being able to walk for a day. Moms who go natural love the fact that they get up and walk around and be independent right after giving birth. Another would be sometimes it doesn't work all the way and might only numb one side or might not kick in, in time.
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
But what are the risks with An epidural?
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was gonna get an others I didn't do it...wanna enjoy this labor cuz it will be my last.
26.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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