baby girl Rosalie Tennyson was born last night (May 23) at 7:25. I got my VBAC birth. I went into labor at 8pm on my due date (May 22) and went to the hospital 5 hrs later. I was admitted at 3cm. made it to 4cm and labor stalled (I was given the epidural around this point) and I was given pitocin. dilated from a 4 to a 7 in an hour so they turned the pitocin off and I progressed on my own to 10 cm over 4-5hrs. baby's heart rate kept dipping so I wasn't allowed to move positions because it would drop her heart rate. when it was time to push I had to push laying on my left side to keep her heart rate up. I pushed for 17 minutes, 4 contractions, and she was out. I only needed 2 stitches. I'm so glad my little girl is finally here!