Using enfamil NB he was doing really well now all of a sudden he is really gassy screams just to burp what can I give him to help is it safe to use gas drops at 2 weeks I think I will call the doctor and see I feel so bad cause he screams in pain
@jaydensmom, it is very possible. frankly I'm not sure how the Dr. Brown's are supposed to help with gas, in my experience they've only made it worse. That's my personal experience though. I love the Avent bottles though.
lol. baby farts are cute. lol. my son was like that as long as it comes out, he'll be fine, try different ways of passing the gas, if you are only sticking with one way. also gripe water, or gas drops can be your best friend and are safe for any time, you can even add them in the bottles if you bottle feed, if breastfed, give after the feeding.
it's very possible I'm sure I don't give my daughter a bottle but the one time I did pump and give her a bottle she had a bad night she had terrible tummy pains :/
Do you guys think it can have anything to to do with the bottles I been using the avent and Dr Browns maybe the switching back and fourth ? @valrocks @mrscruz0530 @mommabear538
Thanks ladies he had been like that for 2 days and I think it's because he gets real sleepy and doesn't want to burp maybe only one time per feeding then he gets really cranky ect @mommabear538 @mrscruz0530 @valrocks
@jaydensmom, my kids were gassy too. especially my boy. make sure you burp after every feeding, usually if you burp long enough they'll let out a nice big burp you didn't think a little one could let out, Personally I like laying them on their back and gently bicycling as well, but you can lay them on their belly and pay til baby burps or farts, and picking them up over the shoulder and Pat til gas comes out. gripe water and gas drops are a life saver too. I hope this helps. I'm on my third baby but I've been around kids my whole life and use to run the nursery in my church back home as well as work specifically with newborns to 3 months in a day care center.
You can try to bicycle his legs sometimes when gas is bothering my daughter I slowly pull her legs up to her stomach almost like I'm lifting them up to put the diaper under and it kinda squeezes out the gas I slowly do it a few times and the farts come out lol I've also given her gripe water and gas drops they help too . She's breastfed though so idk about any advice on the formula