Does anyone else know how my period regular without taking anymore contraception -.- December, Jan, Feb and beginning of March my period were always 10-16 days long and had 30 days between each! - however I got to the tenth of March and didn't have a period then until the 1st of May where it only lasted 5 days! Which is bloody weird, anyone else irregular?
I had a withdrawal period (from the pill which I was coming off of) the week before Xmas and I didn't have one again until the first week in may and it didn't start slow it was full on for five days then just stopped... but I got diagnosed with pcos in April so I have no idea when mine will be now :/ there's nothing you can do about it while trying to conceive, the only way to do it is go on the pill. best of luck xx
I'm so irregular that the first month of my pregnancy was actually a missed period (I'm not too sure how it works but they thought I was 10 weeks and it turned out that I was only 6). Really, there's not a lot you can do, we just kept having regular sex (every 2-3 days) and conceived this one after about a year of trying. I know it can be difficult but just keep trying, irregular periods won't stop you, it just might take a little bit longer x