I only had to get 2 stitches on the inside but I can imagine it's a lot worse for women who tear more then I did. it burned so bad when I peed to the point where I wanted to scream.
Also, you'll be glad someone told you the ugly. Now you won't be mortified and can prepare for it. No one told me how ugly it was. It was a complete surprise to me! :/
I tore. I mean they give you softener a and things to help. This pregnancy I plan on doing padsycles and depends. I am not about to be a bloody mess with visitors. Please, don't let this freak you out. When your holding your baby in your arms, it's completely minuscule.
@vanessa142, nope. My doctors said it was normal. And then once I got pregnant I wasn't really worried about it lol I'm enjoying this time without a period
well, the after birth period is disgusting. you bleed so much. the cramps make you want to throw up (me at least) and it smells god awful. you have to wear pads and can't go to the bathroom without dripping blood. I had that for 3 weeks,so I got lucky most mama's have it for 6 weeks
Because i bled 4 days late and it was bright red and it was horrible cramping that i had to get super drugged up on pain killers to continue with work and i have a high pain tolerance 😕