I co-sleep with my baby. She's 7 months old now and it's the best thing ever. She refuses to sleep anywhere but snuggled up with me. We started out with a co-sleeper thing in the bed but she hated it because she needs to be cuddled. Nothing wrong with that. The baby sleeps better and so do you :)
I think they sleep better to be honest. I tried to keep her in the bassinet but she would always wake up or wake herself up with the startle reflex and I never got any sleep. The second I put her in bed she slept all night with just waking up to eat and be changed. Now I sleep without a shirt and she wakes me for only a second to find the boob and I fall back asleep and she eats till she is full and wake up at six or seven the next morning.
@quansmommyy did he go back to sleeping in his pack and play? I try not having her sleep in her swing but as soon as she feels everything is still she'll throw a fit until we place her back there.
@wonderbettie he was exactly 5 pounds when he came home . He hated sleeping in his pack and play . I used to let him sleep in his bouncer until I read an article about it .
@mhaley1223 it is worth it. I had to let go my fear of sleeping on her but it seems like my reflects are different now being a mother. 😊 or its just me being more aware lol
@quansmommyy aww he must of been tiny, my baby was tiny she fit in premie clothes but she was born at 37 week. Co-sleeping does make it easier for feedings!
@wonderbettie this is my first baby . My son was a premie so he was in the NICU for 3 weeks . He slept by himself fine but I just wanted him when me . Plus it was easier for feedings for me .
He actually did well in the bassinet at night. He slept there for two weeks but with my cut and him waking a during night up to 5 times I just kept in bed lol Now he only wakes up twice the most.
Since day one of my baby being home she hated the freaken crib lol!!!!!! Agh! Now we co sleep my bf hates it cuz he cant cuddle with me lol but i love it