Mcaela Lorene
Mcaela Lorene
RANT:: on May 1st i gave birth to my gorgeous daughter Mia, who is now a little over a week old. My boyfriend and i are overjoyed! we couldnt enjoy being parents more! we currently live with his dad and his stepmom, and that is where in lies my issue. i understand how excited his family is about the baby and how cute she is, and i know how they just want to hold her, but being a newborn only a week old all she does is sleep and eat. but everytime his parents come home if she is sleeping they wake her up literally everytime she is asleep, and they say "dont let her sleep, you have to put her on a schedule" which yes i know eventually i will have to put her on a schedule but seriously shes a newborn!!!! they always get in her face and seriously talk so damn loud, try and force her to be awake, to watch cartoons. they constantly slam doors, talk loud, throw things in the sink like with no common courtesy that the baby is sleeping. but its okay to wake her up, but when they wake her up and shes pissed ad fussy because no one will leave her alone then they want to give her back to me to deal with it! and my boyfriend wont say anything to them, or even have my back. i dont want to say anything because i know ill be a real momma bear bitch. but im inches away from snapping!!! help me how do i handle a situation like this!!!!?????? 😭

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yeah i knkw girl you just gotta learn to put your foot down and be completely firm with them they may not like it but shes your baby @mcgorgeousmia
12.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommy_of_two1994, its so hard for me to be stern like that, because im so passive like go with whatever but when it comes to my baby im so protective.
12.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
if i was in your position id tell them to DO NOT pick her up while shes asleep cause they arent the one whose up with a newborn. yes newborns sleep alot but when its that time you will put her on a schedule they shouldnt tell you what you already know -_- you are her mother YOU make the rules for your babygirl and put your foot down if they dont like it oh well they need to respect your rules and to Not hold her without your permission . thats what i would do, id tell my mom or in laws they need to ask me first before picking up my baby
12.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
If I were you I'd just put my foot down before it gets to explosion. They need to realize that YOU are her mother and what you say goes.
12.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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