okay so i am 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced i had my membrane sweeped yesterday n i lost my mucus plug today n i am 38 weeks and 4 days how soon do u mommies think active labor will kick in im having contractions but there not strong yet
lol, I guess it will just happen when it happens. good luck and I hope you don't have to wait too long! I'm right behind you but not dilated or anything yet.
@maybaby2016, lol i've tried everything this lil girl is so stubborn i been walking, bouncing on a yoga ball, i even tried dancing, climbing stairs, i ate pineapple i had tons of sex and still nothing i ran out of ideas to get my water to break
you're so lucky! it really could be any minute!!! if that was me, I'd be eating pineapples with jalapeno while having sex on a yoga ball 😂 just to make it happen faster