I am currently in labour now after being induced. I had the pessary in a 1am, contractions started at 2 and got to 4cm at 8:30 and my waters also broke on there own around that time too. Just waiting to go onto the drip now though :) fingers crossed it works well for you! I will hopefully be meeting my Lil girl in the next few hours. The midwifes say she will almost definitely be born today :) good luck! xx
I was induced and started contracting within 3 hours and pessary removed after 5 😄 my Lil man was born within 24 hours of the pessary being inserted .... it took me a while to dilate past 4 cm but once I was on the drip it went really quick xx good luck @mk58
Aww thanks that's really sweet....I think it's the time and waiting more than anything that puts me off. Heard so many stories where people are in for days and days because it doesn't work, fingers crossed I'm a bit like you rather than all the horror stories I hear.x
Easier said than done but stay calm, relax, take some magazines or books! You know your own body, so you'll know when it's time. I was induced first time round and they told me the pessary would take about 24 hours to have an effect but 3 hours later contractions began. We're all here if you need us! xx