Happy mothers day to all of you! Mom to be, new mom, 10th time mom, whatever that case may be, we are all moms. We all probably celebrate this day differently, I called my mom from halfway across the country, and then I went to the NICU to spend time with my 4 day old son. Back when I lived near my mom I would have gotten her a big gift and taken her out to breakfast, it's funny how things change with time and different circumstance. What really matters is that we enjoy our day, it is set aside for us each year, and there is no reason why we can't just enjoy it. Peace and love and healthy babies to you all!!

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My baby was born at 35 weeks exactly she was in the NICU. 3 weeks she was wonderful but her eating was immature I spent every single day with her and I learned so much she's been home for a week now and it's been pure bliss
08.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mimiz, thank you so much, and happy mothers day to you too! Luckily he was born at 36w2d, so he is over all a very healthy baby. his lungs are just needing a little bit of extra help, but every day he is doing better. I hope to be able to take him home by next weekend, but whenever he is ready is the perfect time for me!
08.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Aww being a NICU mom is hard but your baby will be with you soon. ❤️ happy Mother's Day
08.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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