Lol baby was a surprise as well and I tested right before work and thought about it alllll day lol I couldn't hold it in and told him after work :) @emkasting
When I got my positive I really wanted to do something cute to tell my boyfriend but baby was a surprise and I tested at like 6am... I was so impatient and excited to tell him I ended up just jumping on the bed, waking him up and shoving it in his face hahah I still really wish I would have done something cute!
I think you have a positive girl! But I think it's smart to wait another week or so and test again since the HCG hormone doubles so rapidly. But I think it's safe to say congratulations!!
@emkasting, me and my husband have a donor in which we do at home inseminations and we did the insemination April 22nd! I only tested because my Ovia app said to test today.