Hi, I'm new here. My name is Victoria. I live in Alhambra. Just recently found out I'm pregnant. I was wondering for the moms that have kids already...how did you tell them?
Thank you for sharing... My kids are 16(daughter) & 8(son)... I'm thinking my daughter isn't going to be too happy about it because the other day we saw this cute little boy & I said "awe,he's so cute" & my daughter said"no mom,no more babies"...my son I think will react like yours did:)
congrats well when I got pregnant with my oldest son my daughter was four and I just showed her the ultrasound and said mommy's having a baby she said I want a boy lol so she took it well long as it wasn't a girl now when I got pregnant with my last baby who's a week old my daughter came to the Dr with me cause I was having pain in my leg now she is 15 so when I told her she cried and was so happy my son was like yes imma be an older brother he's 11 so its really all about the delivery and their age