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Just needed to talk to someone. Or kinda vent I should say....But last night, Michelle ( step-mom) made me vac the school knowing i was in pain, by time I was done I was crying. We had another business to clean, well before we left the school i got attitude, we left school and she didn't say one word to me.. Then when we got to the house (didn't go clean other business) she said something to rob ( father ). I wasn't in the house yet, so they asked Trebor ( half brother) to go clean the other business, then Rob said, we'll just get up early and go clean it. I went and laid in bed balling, Jada ( my 8 yr old) was still awake and trying to comfort me. I don't understand why they would be pissed off when she was hurt I offered to clean by myself, and I have been vacuuming the school for 3 weeks by myself. ( we have other employees but they do bathrooms and the other school) I can barely walk or stand, but I have to push through... Sorry so long just was bothering me... And 2 Sundays ago I got a nasty text from Rob about getting up on Sundays to go clean cause Michelle shouldn't be cleaning since she is a co owner... - The pain I'm feeling is like a sciatic nerve pain, but to the point I can't walk, and if I can I look all crazy trying to walk. leaned back and to the left to relieve the pressure. - The texted I got from Rob is pictured .. Now mind you when I first started working for them Michelle didn't go clean until Sunday evening/night. She never started leaving at 11:30-12 until recently. Also, I don't sleep well at night so when I can sleep in I DO. I get up early every morning to get my daughter off to school, then of course can't go back to sleep. Jada ( my daughter ) comes home about 3, we do homework then I'm off the clean again until anywhere from 12-5 in the morning starting at 8 PM. leaving the house of course before then. Maybe it's just me and my hormones , or the fact that I can't wait to get back to FL. but have a little compassion, that's all Michelle complained about when her foot was hurt that no one had compassion. ( but yet I offered to do all the cleaning. )

if rambling I am very sorry, I just have NOONE to talk to besides my 8 yr old and she doesn't need to hear it.

a little back history on these people...

Rob - bio father didn't meet until I was 21, stopped talking to him for 7 years and just reconnected when i moved back to Indiana.
Michelle- step mom Rob's wife , who does nothing but complain about what a horrible person he is.
Trebor - my half brother.

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@cameale81, that's exactly what my doctor said. he was like welcome to the third trimester, and the only relief is he doesn't move will be birth.
27.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
it is and I was expecting my doctor to give me something for it, he only told me it could possibly be over once I have my baby @tburnett21811
27.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@cameale81, thanks love! this pain is horrible.
27.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
that is awful and that's what I'm going through with that sciatic nerve. I hope things work out for you @tburnett21811
27.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Seems like you gave an amazing daughter, that is you're best friend! A lot of times people who have kids, a while back seem to forget the struggles of being pregnant. Not to menchion every pregnancy is different but they can cut you some slack considering you are having a child and need as much rest as possible before the baby gets here
27.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@stosha717, I've dealt with back pain and fibromyalgia for years, and my gall bladder pain, two kids, and this has got to be the worse pain I've felt in a long time. My Jada is amazing, the other night (Monday) I came home from work the same way in tears, and thankfully she was awake to help me get dressed for bed. even put lotion on my belly. She is my angel , I couldn't ask for a better little girl/ person by my side.
27.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
That is awful! The sciatic nerve is the most uncomfortable thing I have had through my whole pregnancy! They def need to be more supportive of you. It also sounds like your Jada is a very strong little woman.. There is no doubt in my mind you are a terrific mother. 😘
27.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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