Cassidy Wagers
So I'm trying to decide what pain medication I want to take when I'm in labor. I don't like the idea of a needle going into my back, but then again I'm nervous about getting the iv medication because of the narcotics in it. Also with my hospital epidural they don't use any narcotics. What are your opinions?
8 лет

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@cubanese, I don't want any but I don't do pain well so I want an idea of what I want to get if I do decide to get one

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@cubanese, I don't want any but I don't do pain well so I want an idea of what I want to get if I do decide to get one

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I didn't feel my legs at all I couldn't even move them

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ya but I walked the whole hospital before I asked for it so I wouldn't have to feel restricted just yet and I was only about 2 hours in bed with it because they waited till I was dilated enough so I wouldn't be in bed so long but if you can handle the pain you can wait to get it

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@naty199613 were you bed bound after you got it in?

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well ull have an iv in ur arm any ways for fluids or in case they have an emergency situation and I had the epidural in my back... (I'm a cry baby with needles) but I never felt it go in plus after the needle goes in it has a little plastic tube that's kinda like a bendy straw so they only leave that in and they take the Needle out its not that bad

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its all in how much you can tolerate pain

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