@faithworks_101, it was funny I was looking at her saying you aren't sending me home Im hurting every 2 minutes lol she like well I will check u see what we can do and well let just say I had her at 1:22pm it was so quick didn't have the pitcon or whatever it was called I was almost to sleep when she went to check me and she ran out the door screaming we need a table she already half way outta didn't feel nothing lol
I had my done not even a day later I was dialted to a 4 and having contractions and she was planning on sending me home but when she went to go check me before I left the water bag erupt on her lol she said oh shit lol it was gunny
I had mine swept with my second daughter on a Friday afternoon and went into labor at 5am that next morning. it didn't hurt to me it was just alot of pressure.