no judgement please.. I have been in a relationship for two weeks now but have been going on dates with my SO for 7 months. I feel like I'm ruining my relationship because I'm terrified of having sex now. It's been a year and almost a month since I gave birth to my son. I'm scared that it will hurt and that I will get pregnant again. Though I know he won't leave me like the sperm donor my son has as a father. I'm just not ready to go through all of it again. He has promised me he won't hurt me but I'm still scared. I'm not sure how to make a compromise when it's me that isn't sure about doing things.

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I am so happy to have helped in any way. Good luck hun!
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommastone, I believe you're right. he is scared about the relationship part due to the past. so my past relationship maybe playing a part into my fear. thank you for replying and making a great suggestion 😊
14.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
It sounds like you're not ready for another relationship. The only way to get past this is to change your mind and the way you see things. Talk to someone who has a steady good relationship. Be positive. I know the past can haunt but don't let it affect the now. I know it's hard. I hope you can get past this. You can! :)
14.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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