I've been up since 1am because of my baby being so gassy that it hurts him and doesn't let him sleep. Same happened last night. I bought him gas relief droplets and they just don't seem to work. Feeling so sleep deprived.
@mombie2be, plus I kinda doubt that's what he has because none of the symptoms apply to him. I think it's just something in my diet making him gassy. But thank you for your input!
You know your son might have GERD! It's basically acid reflux. My son has that, and they prescribed him some medication for his tummy because he's on soy, and they don't have soy formula with added rice. The doctor did mention that if he was on regular formula to switch him to a formula that had rice in it, so that the milk could sit in the stomach longer. Does he spit up or throw up? Or does he make faces like he's tasting something randomly?
@mombie2be, he's uncomfortable when he lays on his back in the bassinet but as soon as I pick him up he's good. He stays up most of the night, only sleeps while I'm burping him but sometimes during the burping you can tell it's painful and he starts crying but then he stops and falls asleep on me. He sleeps fine during the day.
All my son did was grunt, and squirm. I showed the doctor his poop and they said it was normal. One day he ended up having blood in his stool, and I took him to the hospital. From there they told me it was the formula. To try soy
Try to see if he's allergic to dairy. If you're breastfeeding cut out dairy completely, but if your formula feeding try the prosobee from enfamil. My son was like that until we switched to prosobee. Now he has GERD :(