I feel you,my man use to go out a lot with friends when my son was a few weeks and I didn't like my mil putting her 2 sense in...I use to leave with my son for about 2 days to be away from them
@izamarpink, @jazzyjazz yeah my mom makes me feel better but i feel like my bf and his mom just stress me out makes me freak like i dont get frustrated with her when she cries i frustrated with my bf he goes out and i feel like doesnt help and today my mil and said if im sure my baby is even her sons its like i know how to respect myself im so mad
I was like that too..I think it was because when my son was 2 weeks old I moved in with my man and mother n law..I felt so lonely and away from my fam...and felt like I was loosing it when my son would cry and I couldn't calm him...I felt better when I was with my fam...if ur close to or have fam near you maybe staying a day or 2 with them will help a little