It's sad I weighted 185lbs last yr and now weight 128lbs after a baby 6 weeks ago and ud think walking around half naked would get him to notice but nope hasn't batted an eye and playing video games hasn't kissed me or touched me since baby
Well I lost 35lbs while pregnant I got really sick and I lost the rest after baby while breastfeeding and moving around alot this is my 3rd c-section the only thing with loosing this much weight is the comments I'll get when I go back to work bc I have a high stressed job
I've tried to talk to him nothing works and everything is a fight he constantly watches porn now and I found over 70 videos downloaded on his phone
girl howd you lose it ? I use to weigh that much then somehow always managed to lose about twenty pounds then got pregnant I weighed at the max 194 then after I had him I look skinnier then I was before I was pregnant i haven't checked sorry just curious cause I have a pinch of baby fat I wanna lose
Aw!!! That's sad. I bet you look banging and you probably feel better. Congrats on the weight loss. Keep your head up doll. Talk to him. Flat out ask him if he still finds you attractive.