any other moms out there have a war hurting or tooth pain its so bad I can't sleep at all tonight I'm in tears and I don't drive and its 2 am here and I'm all by my self .. any one know something I can try did Tylenol its not helping:(
Also there's extra strength numbing tooth ache medicine you can buy over the counter. It doesn't numb it for the whole day, but it'll take the edge off. There's tons of different brand names though so I would ask your doc what they think before using one.
The gel being poured directly onto your tooth and NOT swallowed is what my uncle did for his tooth ache. But you have to not lick the gel off or mess with it for a while while it absorbs into your teeth and gums.
get an Advil gel poke a hole and put it in the tooth, stay there with your mouth open and DO NOT SWALLOW the medince when your done wash your mouth with water, call your ob or dentist tto confirm before trying my on gave me the go ahead but yours may not