what is up with all these pre pregnancy pics today ladies? like i get your body is changing but you should definitely represent that beautiful baby belly. And fair warning your body doesnt always go back to normal.
Right, and I would imagine pre-pregnancy pics might come with that too. It's just motivation. I'm not directing anything toward you I just don't get what all the hypes about when it comes to pics. It seems like some folks are just hating. I get the whole losing weight thing..that is crazy. Kind of like drinking and smoking which I think is worse but I get where you're coming from.
@gcpaschal, lol well it is a pregnancy app id imagine seeing bumps comes with territory... what im saying is the comments the write under some of the pics arent to up lifting some make me feel bad like one girl was talking about dieting while shes still preg cause she has gaind 16 pounds