I want to take a hot spatula and dig my sinuses out of my head. I have been congested my entire pregnancy...some days much worse than others, of course, and right now, I'm to the point of tears I'm so miserable. Drs say there's really nothing they can do...until I have my baby. Congested daily, with bruises on my face where my sinus cavities are....IM OVER IT!!!! I love my son, very dearly, but I'm ready for June just so I can breathe with my mouth closed and not wake up gasping for air from my mouth being dry from being opened all night. Death to post nasal drip, excessive sneezing, watery,itchy eyes, stuffy nose and sinus pressure & headaches. Give me the drugs...😠😬😷😤😥😧😪😭👃💊💉🏥⏳💊💉💊💉💊💉🏥⏳💊💉🏥⏳👃😭😪😧😥😤😷😠 ok, my rant is over...sorry

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