Well ladies I was 27 weeks last Thursday. Friday when I arrived at work ,(thank God) we have a blood pressure machine I decided To check my bp bc my feet were swollen ( which wasn't normal) my bp read at 177/112 😳😳😳called my midwives told me I should get there. Left work went to my dr waited a while lied down bp still the same. Sent me to the hospital with news of being preeclampsia and that they made need to deliver sooner. I was able to hold off for 48hrs so my son Peyton could receive a steroid shot for his lungs. I am sharing my story bc I had not been feeling well prior to but did not want to make a scene or be a problem so I tried to keep pushing through. I am thankful I called my dr now Peyton is here he is a preemie and will remain in NICU until his due date if June 23 so I just ask you say a prayer for us I am still healing and getting my body healthy as well
prayers mama, he may be able to leave earlier if he does well, they just tell you they will be there until their due date to cover their butts basically (that's from my experience they told me my son would be there until his due date but he came home after 11 days... he wasn't as early as your little boy tho)