So left our first check up with the renal clinic for my daughter since her kidney episode about 5 weeks ago... Since she's still not responding to the extremely high dose of prednisone she's on the next step is a kidney biopsy 😩😧 I was afraid of this.. She also has a vascular malformation that's starting to have issues and we have to have a mri with contrast done (this will need sedation which im not to excited about) my daughter says she doesn't want to give any more of her blood away (because of all the needle sticks and blood draws she's had done...😭 😠 every time they stick her it takes 3-4 tries even with a ultrasound and vein finder) n

Лучший комментарий


@mommybump2016, thank you so much! It means the world?
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
oh hun :( I seriously couldn't even imagine all the stress and heartache your going through. just know God wouldn't give y'all anything y'all couldn't handle! ( I know its easier said than believed) but their is someone watching over y'all. and I do hope and pray for nothing but the best outcome of all of this!!
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommybump2016, Thank you so much! The sad thing is I'm drowning over here because my husband and I are also dealing with some issues that have arised with our son who is only 3 weeks old... He has a extremely rare lymph node swollen on his back that could be something extremely bad (even though blood work came back okay and the swelling is going down its still nerve racking because my husbands dad passed away from a lymph node cancer) 😭 and a deformation in the back of his skull that could require plastic surgery if it doesn't round out (which it still hasn't) it's all so overwhelming
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
oh my this makes me sad :( many prayers sent her way!!! hugs for you and your daughter!
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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