@bb586, I'm a high risk so maybe I got told different? But I'm going on to 25 weeks and she kicks a lot. I've had to go in to get NST already in the past so I get all worried for every single mama lol. My bad maybe just talk to your DR and ask. I don't mean to worry you at all. I apologize
@bb586 trust me I get it lol, I was one of those at 15 weeks trying to count her and continued through 20 I would feel her every day but most definitely not 10 times lol now at 24 weeks I beg her to chill out a little lol, you'll get there it moves quickly one day you'll just be like alright, I get it lol you can stop now because they LOVE to move when you lay down to go to sleep. We're doing better, I'm super excited lol everything is getting closer and I can't wait to meet her, just hopes she stays put and quit trying to scare me lol. Thanks for asking:)
don't kick count until 28 weeks, baby is still to small and can literally hide. talk to your doctor:) it's normal girl theyll get more consistent every week
@bb586, you've felt the baby move before tho? I'm 24 weeks and my baby started moving a lot at 18 weeks now when I say a lot she is moving like crazy. They say once you start feeling movement you should deff do your kick counts! 10 kicks every hour if not call the dr that is what I have always been told