My child is not gonna grow if I keep going at this rate... Nothing stays in !! How is he or she going to be healthy 😔😢
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You and baby will be fine just keep taking your prenatal( I switch to gummies they were the only one I didn't bring back up). Everything i took came back up my first trimester even water. I lost 20 lbs but now gained back and up 30. Baby girl was 4 lbs 8 0z lady measurements and I'll be 33 weeks Saturday. Good luck mama.

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You and baby will be fine just keep taking your prenatal( I switch to gummies they were the only one I didn't bring back up). Everything i took came back up my first trimester even water. I lost 20 lbs but now gained back and up 30. Baby girl was 4 lbs 8 0z lady measurements and I'll be 33 weeks Saturday. Good luck mama.

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Hahah I know exactly how you feel. Just know that baby isn't struggling because you can't hold down your food. Baby is just fine 😀 I was really worried when I couldn't keep down food but also when I got a upper respitory infection and was SUPER sick and miserable. My doctor laughed when I said I was worried about baby, and said I was probably MORE sick because of the baby. Your body is 100% focused on baby's needs, and not yours. So your body is worried about giving your baby nutrients, not you having them. Just like my body was worried about keeping baby away from sickness, and was not concerned at all about how I am feeling!

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Thank you so much , I want to be able to hold meals. For baby and for myself !! I enjoy eating lol @babymay2016

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I felt the same thing but honestly you shouldn't worry about that. Even when baby is born, their stomachs are only the size of a shooter marble! Just do what you can and you will be okay. I was puking all day everyday until 20wks pregnant. I would still eat but would always throw everything back up. If anything YOU aren't getting what you need, but baby will always take what they need from you. Don't worry girl. Baby is getting what baby needs, no doubt about it. Even if it feels like you never eat anything. Just keep trying. I will pray the sickness goes away for you 💚🙏 hang in there momma-

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It just makes me nervous !! First time mom so I'm just paranoid , especially when my mom is like omg you have to eat blah blah well I try !! :(

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Baby will always get what it needs, you will just feel really run down because of it

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