fuckin pissed off my sils are ganging up on me because my three year old is still cosleeping sometimes n there children sleep in there own beds one has basically just told me cuddling is for when ya sat on the settee bedtime is to sleep n nothing else!! she wonders y her child is a little whinge bag she's so cold sometimes and the other ones thinks she's perfect cuz she's a Childminder n she thinks she knows it all bearing in mind both there lbs are the most miserable children I know ! phew rant over x
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I co sleep and I love it! People always say it's dangerous and I shouldn't do it because he will be too 'needy', I say they can shove their opinions up their hoo-ha x

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I co sleep and I love it! People always say it's dangerous and I shouldn't do it because he will be too 'needy', I say they can shove their opinions up their hoo-ha x

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Aw that sounds so sad, sounds like no affection what so ever what's the point in having children if you don't want to spend anytime with them. I sit with my son for atleast half an hrs to an hour having cuddles before he goes to sleep and he still wants to do that at 5years old I love it. Sounds like you are doing a great job so don't let them get you down. 😊 xx

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I ts just the attitude that kills me especially saying bed time isn't for cuddles it's for sleeping and that's it this is the one who puts her nearly 2 year old child in the bath and into bed within 5 minutes of coming bk from work she doesn't spend any time with him then wonders y he doesn't want to stay in bed because he's missed her x

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I co slept with my son for ages. He was doing great sleeping all night till after we got back off holiday and wouldn't sleep through so was easier to get a good night. My son is definitely a mummy's boy and loves a cuddle and is such a happy and loving little boy. Every parent is different and there's gonna be plenty of mums that are going to tell you that your doing wrong and it's not right. At the end if the day your the parent and you do what you feel is right for your child and it doesn't affect anyone else. Tell them to do one 👍 xx

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exactly, it's your child xx

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I know it's just so frustrating there's no real affection between them and there boys just what they think they should show whereas we are so close to our little boy I turned round and said I'll give my child cuddles any time of the day or night x

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if your little one cosleeps then don't worry, your their parent so you decide @jamesnbump16 hate it when people.try and tell other parents what to do x

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if your little one cosleeps then don't worry, your their parent so you decide @jamesnbump16 hate it when people.try and tell other parents what to do x

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