any mommys that have there belly percied? how many weeks untill you took it out? im 23 weeks and i have the ring for pregnant women but still been thinking about it
@diabeticmommy, I may reconsider then. I'm currently TTC baby number 3 though, so maybe after my next pregnancy. Hopefully it'll close up while I'm pregnant.
@i.xvi.mmxvi, I didn't even feel mine when I for it redone.. I have no pain tolerance lol I wanted mine back so bad because I loved it and had like a million rings I didn't get to use because I got so big so fast with my daughter
i had issues with my belly ring when i got it done last year chamgimg it to early now the skin is really tight around the bar and if i move it skin around it moves with it
@diabeticmommy, Ehhhh I don't know about that. I got my nose redone once and it was AWFUL. I feel like by the time this closes up, I will have had it out for so long I won't even want it anymore anyway, even though it's my favorite piercing :(
I took mine out at about 15 weeks with my twins. I was huge with them. I wish I would have taken it out sooner though because it's so stretched I can't even keep a belly ring in there anymore. The hole is just too big and the ring slides all the way down and the top ball tugs. It sucks.
with my daughter I took mine out and used a pregnancy one at like 27 weeks I'm about to be 20 weeks 28th baby number two and still have my normal ring in