yes I am heavier than the average and it seems like when you are, you have doctors more concern about your weight than your baby. I saw a nutritionist and this lady gave me a plan that I will use if I were on a diet..and told me to ignore my hungry pain..

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I believe your doctors main concern is how your weight can affect your baby. Just like @lilkountryma said. I don't believe they are trying to offend you, they are just trying to make sure that you and baby are okay. Gestational diabetes is probably the main concern for the dr.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
yea but I loose weight when I'm pregnant and that's never a big issue to them, my last doctors appointment, I lost 8 pounds in two without morning sickness and my first pregnancy I weighed the same amount when I had my son when I first got pregnant @lilkountryma
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I doubt he's doing it because you're "a bigger girl" You're weight and your health affects your child's health. so your diet when pregnant is very important no you shouldn't be on "a diet' but you should watch what and how much you eat, specially if you already have a weight issue.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
my doctor hasn't said anything to me with me being a bigger size than most
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
hmmmm I dont think everyone should be the same size and if your a "bigger girl" God made you that way. you shouldn't start dieting when you get pregnant. I disagree with your doctor girl!
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
My doctor told me that if I had a craving to ignore it because I'll experience a lot of them and I told him straight up, I might be a bigger female but if I want a damn donut while pregnant I'm going to have one. I have ate every craving I have had except 1 (I'm not allowed to get that till I have her as a reward... chocolate covered strawberries lol) but I have only gained 14 pounds and I'm 34 weeks as of midnight. Don't let them make you feel bad honey, you'll know when too much is enough.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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