please don't judge..i recently quit smoking weed and since quitting i havent been able to eat i feel so weak cause i haven't really ate anything in 2 days what should i do
okay I see that. do you have someone who smokes? like a bf or something? you can get a contact high as long as he inhales the smoke and blows it at you (through a tube or something so its all going to you) you won't test positive and you'll get high and be able to eat
I know the feeling, I quit cold turkey as well. What helped me was getting carnation meal replacement shakes, they have a ton of protein so are very helpful to keep up with nutritional and caloric demands and they actually taste great
@fabb004, I have no issues with smoking weed, and my good friend done it occasionally throughout her pregnancy to help with nausea. Just be careful because if your dr does random drug could potentially be in a lot of trouble with having a positive drug test.
i quit cold turkey cause i dont know how these doctors in fort wayne handle consumption of weed while pregnant but its hard im so weak right now i feel like crying
I was the same way I couldn't just quit all at once cause I kept losing weight I'm still not gaining much and I'm 32 weeks I suggest you slowly cut back not just quit cold turkey if it helps you eat and get the nutrients you and baby need to be it smoke a little I'm not saying to do it your whole pregnancy but if you do your research on it you'll see there is not a single study that can accurately link smoking weed to any birth defects some obgyns prefer it too taking pills for nausea during the first trimester but I would talk to your doctor all doctors have different opinions on the subject
drink and stay hydrated the nausea is probably so bad because you are still in your first trimester which will be over soon and then hopefully you will get to feeling better :) good luck and keep up the good work! I haven't smoked weed in a looong time but I do smoke cigarettes pretty heavily when I'm not pregnant so I understand it is hard
yes like @mrswhitcomb said protein shakes are a lifesaver. my vitamins made me sick and I could barely eat so my Dr. had me drinking 3 ensures a day. the chocolate ones are my favorite