you could keep it just incase breastfeedinf doesnt work out. theres always a chance you wont produce enough milk or baby has problems or if its too much on you. this will be my first child and was told this many times. but whatever you choose to do is fine. just thought id share.
I plan on breastfeeding as well but I still signed up for all the samples incase I'm unable to breastfeed or pump. The supplementing(green one) is probably a good one to keep though in case you don't make enough or something happens.
is this ur first baby if it is keep them u might not know but u might want to breast feed and in ur mind u already have it set but slot of things can change like ur baby won't latch on and u have to end up pumping or sub. with formula when the baby gets here then u can decide if u will be doing both or just one a lot of factors go into it don't think it's as easy as if looks