Trying to get my husband to quit smoking before the baby arrives :( it's so frustrating because he swears he is trying, but I haven't seen him slow down. I can't make him quit, but he knows I can't even stand to kiss him anymore it's so nasty.

Plus I read today that the likelihood of SIDS is increased by exposure to second hand smoke.... I know SIDS chances are so small but I just found out a family friends baby passed today after they found her unresponsive. He has to quit idk what I'll do if he doesn't

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I thought that he would've had more incentive but it's like he just says I'm trying to get me to quit bitching. I love him but sometimes I wanna beat his ass lol @hellokarly
12.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Ugh I'm sorry mama :( stupid cigarettes! Causing problems
12.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I honestly think he needs to quit cold turkey. No weening off, nothing like that because he will just go back to his ways. He smokes a half a pack a day which isn't a lot compared to some smokers but it's enough and it STINKS! I hate it so much. I don't want him holding our newborn baby with smoke in his beard, in his clothes or skin...
12.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've tried everything I've begged, cried, pleaded... He blames his stressful work life. I know even if he says he will try it, he'll smoke behind my back at work. I don't think he really wants to quit to be honest but I don't want to give him an ultimatum @hellokarly :(
12.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Damn! But he should give it a try again and get over the "it feels funny" because it is better for you and baby that way. What my man did was stopped cigs for three days then went on the vape because at that point he was just craving the nicotine so the want was strong than how it made him feel. He even had a cig a few days after due to stress and told me it made him feel disgusting, and that he never realized how horrible it made him smell and it has been strictly vape since. Ask him if he could do that because the say once you pass three days without a cig you should be good.
12.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
He tried vaping. Spent so much money on different juices, tried different nicotine levels, different mods or whatever... He said it made him feel funny. :/ @jessmeyer716 @hellokarly
12.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I agree with @hellokarly try to get him to try vaping. its definitely a better alternative. Before I got preggo I used to work for a vape shop, and my hubby still works there. we both vape (I stopped during the pregnancy) and its so much better than cigarettes and better for a home with children. if you need more info about how to get started just msg me honey :)
12.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
You should try to get him to switch to vaping. I had the same issue with my man, he was sick of smelling like cigarette ass and didn't want that around the baby. And he has been smoking since he was like 13-14 years old, it has been over a month since he had a cig and lowered his nicotine intake on his vape. And it smells really good lol
12.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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